Design, write, edit, and develop prototype and content that meets client's needs and requirement for their users.
UX/UI Designer
1 Month
Figma Pro, Miro, Adobe Illustrator, Canva

E.C. Park

E.C. Park is one of China's first e-commerce internet celebrity industrial parks. In order to attract more international business, my mission was to create a company introduction deck and a conceptual UX/UI web design.

Due to an NDA, I cannot disclose any research information publicly, but I can discuss the design process with future employers. I apologize for any inconvenience.

UX/UI Process

We used Miro and InVision to gather information and work with other members to sort the information we collected from our initial research, and then I used XD or Figma to wireframe, build lo-fi or hi-fi prototypes, and finally Trello to record our backlogs and Zoom for user research.